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If I Was Your Girl, by Meredith Russo

Bücher Kostenlos If I Was Your Girl, by Meredith Russo
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Stonewall Book Award WinnerWalter Dean Myers Honor Book for Outstanding Children's LiteratureA Publishers Weekly Best Book of the YearA Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the YearA Zoella Book Club SelectionA Goodreads Choice Award Finalist A Bustle Best YA Book of the YearIndieNext Top 10 ListOne of Flavorwire's 50 Books Every Modern Teenager Should Read"This new novel for teens breaks new ground...powerful." --O Magazine "A beautifully rendered YA novel . . . the first written by a transgender woman about the transgender teen experience." --San Francisco Chronicle"A vivid, compassionate portrait of a teen finding her place." --The Washington Post "An illuminating debut guided by hope and overwhelming kindness." --Publishers Weekly, starred review "A necessary, universal story about feeling different and enduring prejudices...full of love, hope, and truth." --Kirkus, starred review "This is everything a coming-of-age novel should be--honest, complicated, and meaningful. Transcends the typical 'issue' novel to be a beautiful tale in its own right." --School Library Journal, SLJ Popular Pick"Amanda's story is neither overly sentimental nor didactic. A thoughtful, truthful, and much needed coming-of-age tale." --Horn Book Review"Russo, a trans woman, writes with authority and empathy, giving readers not only an intellectual but also an emotional understanding of Amanda and her compelling story. Never didactic, this debut is a valuable contribution to the slender but growing body of literature of trans teens." --ALA Booklist"Beautiful, smart, and so urgently needed, If I Was Your Girl should be required reading for every teen--scratch that, every person--in America. This book is exactly what YA is for: to break ground, to break hearts, to teach us empathy, to find the universal in the specific. I loved every word. You will too." --Julie Buxbaum, New York Times bestselling author of Tell Me Three Things "Poignant and rare. If I Was Your Girl is the type of book you read and want to immediately share, because it's too important to keep to yourself." --Julie Murphy, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Dumplin'"If I Was Your Girl is important and necessary and brave, and deeply, electrically inspiring. Read this wonderful book. Just read it." --Jennifer Niven, New York Times bestselling author of All the Bright Places"If I Was Your Girl will change minds and open hearts." --Nina Lacour, critically acclaimed author of Everything Leads to You"If I Was Your Girl is real and raw and layered and wonderful." --Alex Gino, Stonewall Award-winning author of George"If there's any justice in the world, we're all witnessing a YA powerhouse in the making." --Forever YA"Pure magic." --Book Riot
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
MEREDITH RUSSO was born, raised, and lives in Tennessee. She started living as her true self in late 2013 and never looked back. If I Was Your Girl was partially inspired by her experiences as a trans woman. Like Amanda, Meredith is a gigantic nerd who spends a lot of her time obsessing over video games and Star Wars.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 288 Seiten
Verlag: FLATIRON BOOKS (3. Mai 2016)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9781250078407
ISBN-13: 978-1250078407
ASIN: 1250078407
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 13 - 18 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,8 x 2,6 x 21,5 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
18 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 206.729 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
YA Romanzen sind sonst gar nicht so meins, ich hatte die Leseprobe auch eigentlich nur runtergeladen, weil ich überlegt habe das einer Freundin zu Weihnachten zu schenken. Aber dann bin ich hängen geblieben und habs mir sofort selbst gekauft, weil ich einfach wissen wollte wie es weitergeht. Ich habe es dann auch an einem Tag (oder besser gesagt in einer Nacht ;) ) runtergelesen.Amanda ist eine unglaublich entzückende Protagonistin, die ich innerhalb der ersten zwei Seiten ins Herz geschlossen und in die ich mich total verliebt habe. Sie ist wundervoll und liebenswert, geeky und ehrlich und tapfer und ich wollte sie die ganze Zeit nur in eine Decke wickeln und vor der Welt beschützen. Es hat einfach Spaß gemacht sie zu begleiten und zu sehen wie sie zaghaft Freundschaften schließt und sich verliebt und wie sie nebenbei ihre Vergangenheit verarbeitet.Meredith Russo hat einen großartigen Schreibstil, der mich einfach reingesaugt hat in die Geschichte.Großartig fand ich auch, dass keiner der Charaktere den üblichen Stereotypen entsprach, sondern dass alle sehr runde Charaktere waren, die Macken und Fehler und Probleme hatten, aber keiner war "nur gut" oder "nur böse". Sogar die zwei Personen, die Amanda am meisten verletzen (verrate mal nicht, wer das ist) habe ich nicht nur gehasst, sondern auch irgendwie ... verstanden.Insgesamt ist es trotz einiger düsterer Themen (Suizidversuch, Bullying, Scheidungen, Religiöse Intoleranz etc.) ein sehr zartes, schönes und hoffnungsvolles Buch.Ich wünschte mir, sowas würde man mal in den Schulen lesen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass irgendjemand Amanda NICHT liebt und wenn das dazu beiträgt, dass weniger transsexuelle Teenager auf der ganzen Welt umgebracht oder in den Selbstmord getrieben werden, wäre das tatsächlich ein Gewinn ...
I saw my friends post about how this book made them cry and let me jump straight on the bandwagon here - one hour into reading If I Was Your Girl I had already cried twice. I want to give Amanda a hug so bad.Content warnings include: bullying, transphobia, suicide attempt (by taking painkillers), homophobia, homophobic slurs, toxic masculinity, assault, attempted rape and getting outed against one's will.The biggest part of me loves this book from the depths of my heart. It hit me hard went from all the good to all the bad feelings in such a short amount of time, again and again.But the writing felt almost... contained at parts. I understand why it was written the way it was, but to me it was like Amanda's life was clinically taken apart and the most relevant parts were taken and put together to make up this story - any and everything else was cut off.This book is like a rose bush trimmed within and inch of its life, beautiful and touching, but I wish there were just a few more vines, a few more petals and leaves out of place. But god, what they did not cut away was the thorns, and they sting deep.Amanda's story is not a pretty one, and yet it's beautiful and made me smile so hard. I loved almost every single scene and I wish they had all been longer - because almost all of them were cut off right in the middle. This left me confused and frustrated because I wanted to know what happened next then and there instead of jumping to the next, completely different scene. I know this was done to keep moving the plot forward and not getting sidetracked by unimportant details, but I desperately wanted those details. After all, the scenes we see in the book aren't supposed to exist in a vacuum - time passes and things happen between them but that gets barely acknowledged.Additionally, transitions were often lacking so that I had no idea how much time passed between scenes.I also at times had no idea what the characters were talking about or why they were saying what they were saying, especially in the beginning, but I think that might have been a mix of me not being familiar with Southern USAian culture and English not being my native language rather than an issue with the writing.I loved what was on the pages of this book so much, but I just wanted more. Of everything. More details, more scenes, longer scenes, and especially more about the characters.And more closure for the ending.The main conflict was very predictable and I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the setup, but I won't go into details. I knew it was coming, but I wished it hadn't or not this way.All that said, If I Was Your Girl is such a stunning book I barely know what else to say other than mindlessly praise it and recommend it highly.
"If I was your girl" is one of those books that, once you've started too read, you cannot quit. Meredith Russo's style, rhythm and plot conception is masterly. From this point of view, you could compare her to John Grisham, but also to classical authors like Dostoevsky. Her characters are less complicated than those of the Great Russian but, as she explains in the post-face of her book, one of her aims was to let know and understand the intimate and relational, physical and psychological situation of transgenders - and other complications would have hindered that.I enjoyed the presence of some understanding and brave faithful friends as much as the evolution of one of her parents. I enjoyed it because I like the optimism that such characters infuse in the readers, an feeling that concerns the story we are reading as well as the history of our time. I would like to thank her for all things I had to do, but I didn't, because I couldtn't quit reading.
Writing a Young Adult novel without being formulaic is no easy task. Neither is writing a novel about LGBTQ* issues without stooping to clichés.Meredith Russo managed to achieve both: even if the bare outline of the plot can be guessed in advance, it is a refreshingly original and genuine tale, and conveys authenticity.Even when the author seemed to fall into one of the possible traps ("uh-oh, the Christian fundamentalist friend"), she either subverted the trope or else made up for it later on (such as in a welcome closing statement about heteronormativity).Russo did *everything* right, hitting all the right notes. Compulsory reading!
I read this on holiday and liked a lot about it. Not perfect, but interesting topic and good to read. Certaily educational to first-time readers about the subject matter.
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