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The Tourist [With Earphones]
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PDF-Bücher The Tourist [With Earphones]
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![The Tourist [With Earphones] The Tourist [With Earphones]](https://wirmedien.com/img/cta/cta-16.jpg)
Vorbespielter Audioplayer
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1433261863
ISBN-13: 978-1433261862
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,1 x 3,2 x 20,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.7 von 5 Sternen
7 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 9.809.952 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
That's a first - re-reading the book I mixed up the plot of two books and was wondering why it takes that long to start the 'actual' plot only to realise I had the plot of book 2 in this series in mind which frustrated me pretty much in the first half of the book - looks like I already read the second book as well.I really loved (most of) the characters and their development within the story and even the second time around was surprised by some of the plot turns and so I was able to enjoy a book twice :-)Now I'm looking forward to re-read the second book and I'm curious to see how acurately I remember the plot of the second book.If you're looking for a really well crafted post-cold-war espionage thriller I can recommend this series very much.
Milo Weaver is one of the CIA's best agents for black ops, clandestine activities that include kidnapping, torture and outright killing of targets, with bombing, theft or blackmailing as lesser activities. These experts are called "Tourists". They get a coded message for an upcoming operation, fly in, set up a plan to carry out the assignment and finish on target and vanish again. Only a few people in the US administration are aware that these agents exist, foreign secret services suspect that this group is operating as part of the CIA-network, but have no actual proof. Olen Steinhauer has created a perfect spy world, where secret services, politics and big business mingle to advance strategic positions for your country.Weaver is caught in a bigger plot that only reveals itself stepwise, making his situation more dangerous and life threatening with every new fact uncovered, while he is trying to stay in he game and alive.The plot is complex; the protagonists have wide but still believable networks and connections. With everyone having several level of identity, loyalty and interests, there is a lot of paranoia involved and - believe me a lot of action. The text reads to some part as a report on a huge conspiracy and I have to admit that I immediately downloaded and continued with the sequel, when I had reached the last sentence of "The Tourist" (I pressed "page down" several times before realizing that this adventure had come to an end and I had finished the book).
Spannende Unterhaltung, aktuelle politische Bezüge und - wie immer bei Steinhauer - spannende Twists und Wendungen. Idealer Begleiter bei meinen Dienstreisen. Mein Tipp: Auch die anderen Steinhauer anschauen/lesen.
I read a lot of thrillers and I rate this as better than most. Perhaps not five-star material, but I'm stingy with that rating. The characters have enough depth and background to enhance the plot, but not quite so much that you really care about them. The book is plot driven, but not overly so. The writing is smooth and enjoyable.
Gutes Buch. Milos Menschlichkeit und Fehlbarkeit machen ihn zu einem sympathischen Helden.
I have to confess that I never heard of Olen Steinhauer. I was just using the OverDrive APP to search my local library and selected this audio book as the next available.It is almost impossible to keep track of all the characters in an Agatha Christie novel because of the sheer number. This story however does not clutter the story with too many characters to follow at any one time as an audio book.Being the first in a series we know who is not going to die. Yet you can believe that I may just be wrong. One thing I like about this book is the absence of flashbacks. There may be some background descriptions but you do not have to do much jumping around back and forth in time. The story is mostly told as a third party narration. We occasionally get into most of the characters minds. It is touted as being in the vein of John le Carré and Graham Greene. I think Olen Steinhauer is better in his own way. I am not sure how much of the experience is the narration by Tom Weiner. But it makes it easy to follow while driving and walking.I do not want to paraphrase the story as that is the reason you are buying the book. However it as about an agent (Tourist) who decides this is not the life to live and tries to settle down to family life. The world will not let him be. There are many parallel threads but the main theme is that he is accused of murder and must find the real culprit before he is caught. The story is how he goes about it. For the most part we get the clues and the next step in this travel story as the main character (Milo Weaver) does.
Als Abstecher in die Spionagewelt ist "The Tourist" genau das Richtige.Eine sehr abwechslungsreiche Geschichte wird erzählt in der der Leser so manches mal seine eigene Sichtweise überdenken muss. Nach ein paar Seiten Anlauf hat mich die Geschichte bereits begeistert und die letzen 100 Seiten verschlang ich förmlich.Zu den Figuren:Im Vergleich zu manch Spionagewelten, ist unser Protagonist "Milo" nicht der perfekte Killer oder Agent. Er hat seine Fehler. Alkohol und sogar Suizid-Gedanken begleiten ihn. Der Autor versteht es einen echten Menschen darzustellen und nicht nur eine Ansammlung von Fähigkeiten und Überzeugungen. Durch die Bank sind die Charaktere sehr gut entworfen, auch wenn es ein paar kleine Ausnahmen gibt.Zur Geschichte:Die Motivationen der Charaktere bietet etwas Abseits von dem ausgelutschten Thema Terrorismus und schlägt einen etwas anderen Weg ein. Ab und zu habe ich mir gewünscht, dass der Autor etwas mehr auf die Hintergründe eingeht, aber das ließ sich aufgrund der spannenden Erzählweise verkraften.Die Aufteilung der Story ist sehr gut gelungen. Vor allem die Tatsache, dass das Ende nicht von Action sondern von Intrige und Täuschung bestimmt werden, schließt das Buch gut ab.Alles in allem ein unterhaltsamer Zeitvertreib, dessen Motivationen teilweise etwas dünn wirken.
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