PDF-Bücher , by Joshilyn Jackson
, by Joshilyn Jackson

PDF-Bücher , by Joshilyn Jackson
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Dieses Buch sollte von allen besessen werden, die lieben zu lesen oder Analyse der Praxis haben. Sie können viel mehr Vorteile nehmen die Überprüfung , By Joshilyn Jackson Die Lektion dieser Veröffentlichung ist nicht immer die Wahrheiten. Es wird sicherlich auch so etwas sein, dass Sie erstaunt über dieses Buch machen. Sie verstehen, in dieses Leben durchlaufen, viele Menschen sollten die Erfahrung und auch von vielen Ressourcen Verständnis haben. Es ist zu gewährleisten, dass Sie könnte den Weg dafür, wie manche Menschen das Leben nachfolgenden.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 873 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 352 Seiten
Verlag: Raven Books; Auflage: 1 (30. Juli 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#46.251 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Joshilyn Jackson is one of my favorite writers, and her masterful use of language and complex, flawed, relatable characters shine in this book. I'm not usually a fan of thrillers, but I could not put this down, and I may have gasped out loud more than once. I can't wait to read it again, knowing the story, to see how that changes my perceptions!
Wow, was this a wonderful read! I am a big Joshilyn Jackson fan, and was really excited when I learned she had written a thriller, a new genre for her. I was not disappointed. First, her prose is excellent as always, somehow combining poetry with a down-to-earth sensibility and delightful, sly humor. Her characters are, again as always, richly drawn; her two main characters, in particular, continue to reveal themselves in unexpected ways throughout the novel. But the story - OMG! The pacing is spot on, with beautifully timed reveals, twists and turns that ratchet up the tension to the breaking point - I was flipping electronic pages as fast as I could as the denouement unfolded.Kudos to Ms. Jackson for a spectacular entry into the field, and I hope we get more of these in the future!
This is my favorite book I've read this year! The writing is flawless, the plot is unpredictable and the characters are fully rendered. I was absolutely riveted from page 1. If you love a good psychological thriller, look no further.
I LOVED this 4.5 Star psychological thriller! It was a total cat and mouse game which kept me on the edge of my seat, reading way past my bedtime.SUMMARYAmy Way loves her life! It's a fairly simple one; she's a dive instructor in Pensacola, FL, very happily married, step mom to spirited15 year old Maddie and mom to eight month old Oliver. She lives in a middle class, family centric neighborhood and has many mom-friends. She has a very tight bond with her BFF, Char, who is one of her favorite people in the world.Life is pretty nearly perfect except for a secret Amy has kept buried in her past. It is both her hidden shame and biggest regret. Although it happened more than 25 years ago, she still thinks about it almost every day.One evening, a beautiful stranger, who has moved into the one and only neighborhood VRBO, shows up for Char's book club meeting. This stranger, Roux, manages to hijack the meeting, get everyone to drink too much and then, after most of the women leave, she convinces the remaining drinkers to play a version of I Never. Amy finds this very unsettling. Although she works hard to avoid answering any questions, she feels she has been singled out by this game. Maybe it's just guilt over her secret, but Amy feels Roux trying to corner her. Additionally, she finds out a few things about her neighbors that she really would rather not know. Pretty soon it becomes clear that Roux is not what she seems.Told from Amy's POV, the story flips back and forth between the past, recounting Amy's secret, and the present as she and Roux face off against each other in a battle for everything Amy holds dear.WHAT I LOVEDI really loved Amy! She was the kind of main character you wanted to see win in the end. As an overweight, marginalized teenager with an unrequited crush on her handsome BFF, it was so darn easy to sympathize with her. I desperately wanted her to find moments of happiness and of course I wanted the BFF, Tig, to love her back as more than a friend. Their personalities just clicked, it could have been great! Then, as the adult Amy; the one who had lost the weight, found herself and found the real love of her life, I wanted her to be able to hold on to this life. I loved how she managed to match wits with slippery Roux and hold her own. I loved how fiercely she loved not only her own baby, Oliver, but also her step daughter, husband and BFF Char. I completely admire that type of loyalty and the ability to love fully. She has definitely made a HUGE irreversible mistake or two in her life, but she knew it, she lived with it and suffered deeply from it. She really did try to set things right. It was one horrible mistake in an otherwise quite decent life.I also loved Maddy. She was a spunky fifteen year old girl who called her step mom her "step monster" or just "monster" for short and it was truly a term of affection. I have an admiration for spirited girls both in literature and real life. They are just more fun.The next best part of the book was the suspense. I kept thinking it was close to being done but then another twist would come along and I would realize there was more to come. I actually had to force myself to stop reading one night / morning when I realized it was 5 a.m.! I kept waiting for a good stopping point and never found one. I could not stop!! The ending was not at all what I expected!!! It took me by surprise!WHAT I DIDN'T LOVEThere was one part near the very end that was pretty disturbing. I could have been just fine not having that in my head. Yuck. I don't want to say anything else about that because it leads to a big twist and it would be a huge spoiler.OVERALLMinus the part I mentioned above, this was a great story. It would make a fantastic book club selection; so many themes, moral and ethical grey areas to discuss and the characters would be so fun to dissect.
I stayed up late to finish this last night. It's a book I've been eagerly anticipating and it did not disappoint! I will admit that I've read all of the books by this author so perhaps I was predisposed to enjoy this one. I did notice that the author went in a new direction with the plot of this book, jumping off from the contemporary southern wit/family angst into mystery/thriller territory. I'm impressed that the main character has quite a few character flaws, yet keeps the reader pulling for her. And I'm not a diver, but dang, I may consider taking a course...loved those parts of the story.
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