Ebook Herunterladen The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk
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The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk

Ebook Herunterladen The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk
The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain And Body In The Transformation Of Trauma, By Bessel Van Der Kolk . Ist das Ihre Freizeit? Genau das, was tun Sie dann? Extra- oder Freizeit zu haben , ist wirklich hervorragend. Sie können alles ohne Druck tun. Nun ja, wir meinen , Sie einige Zeit zu ersparen diese Publikation zu lesen The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain And Body In The Transformation Of Trauma, By Bessel Van Der Kolk Dies ist ein Gott Buch ist , dass Sie in diesen Ausfallzeiten zu begleiten. Sie werden nicht so schwierig sein , etwas von diesem Buch The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain And Body In The Transformation Of Trauma, By Bessel Van Der Kolk Viel mehr zu verstehen, es wird sicherlich besser Details und auch begegnen erhalten helfen. Auch haben Sie die hervorragende Aufgaben, Lesen dieser Publikation The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain And Body In The Transformation Of Trauma, By Bessel Van Der Kolk wird sicherlich nicht Ihre Meinung sind.
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An incredible book on trauma (William Leith, 'Books of the Year' Evening Standard)Van der Kolk draws on 30 years of experience to argue powerfully that trauma is one of the West's most urgent public health issues... Packed with science and human stories ... van der Kolk has a lot to say, and the struggle and resilience of his patients is very moving (New Scientist)The Body Keeps the Score is clear, fascinating, hard to put down, and filled with powerful case histories. Van der Kolk, the eminent impresario of trauma treatment, who has spent a career bringing together diverse trauma scientists and clinicians and their ideas, while making his own pivotal contributions, describes what is arguably the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years. We've known that psychological trauma fragments the mind. Here we see not only how psychological trauma also breaks connections within the brain, but also between mind and body, and learn about the exciting new approaches that allow people with the severest forms of trauma to put all the parts back together again (Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself)This is masterpiece of powerful understanding and brave heartedness, one of the most intelligent and helpful works on trauma I have ever read. Dr. Van der Kolk offer a brilliant synthesis of clinical cases, neuroscience, powerful tools and caring humanity, offering a whole new level of healing for the traumas carried by so many (Jack Kornfied, author of A Path With Heart)Dr. van der Kolk's masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller (Judith Herman, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; author of Trauma and Recovery)
Taschenbuch: 464 Seiten
Verlag: Penguin (24. September 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0141978619
ISBN-13: 978-0141978611
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 2 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
16 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 259 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Bessel van der Kolk has all my respect. What an outstanding man. He has devoted decades and personal funds into exploring the origins of trauma and what the long term effects of trauma are. This book opens your eyes for what trauma really is, how it effects so so many of us, how it may effect you without even knowing, what a profound effect early childhood trauma has, how trauma and adverse events impact the brain and its chemistry and the whole body and finally what we can do to heal. It weeds out the therapies that are mostly unhelpful (CBT (talk therapy), medication) and points to better alternatives. It makes you realize that about half of us may be traumatized in one way or another and that most of us do not even know. This book is also difficult to read, it may trigger long forgotten traumas or may wake you up to your own wounds and patterns. It also makes you realize that most people may not yet have access to the right type of therapies or may be misdiagnosed without the trauma and origin of their illness ever being addressed. It has many case studies in it ,some of them very gruesome. He goes on to explain the link between chronic pain, autoimmune diseases and other manifestations in the body and depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar etc as mental expressions of trauma as well as behavior patterns, which can be seen in so many if you open your eyes to it. It made my compassion for myself, my relatives (war trauma victims), and every human being grow immensely. It has opened my eyes to my own wounds and the ones around me. As a massage therapist I realize what I often "felt" during the sessions and my helplessness in not being able to name or address what the clients presented with. Personally, I think everyone should read this book.
This book is a "must-read" for anyone personally dealing with trauma - in a way that the everyday person can relate to. The book provides key insights into the process and biochemical mechanisms involved during the formation of trauma. The range of therapeutic options presented in this book go well beyond the "coping mechanisms" and prescription medication one usually finds in most self-help books. It advocates that persons dealing with trauma can "put the pieces together" and play a central and active part in their healing process, by simultaneously pursuing approaches extending beyond but complementary to conventional medicine/therapy. In my view, family/peer support - especially their understanding of "what trauma is" for trauma sufferers, is critical to healing and recovery. People unknowingly assume that people can overcome trauma with "talk therapy" or by changing their mindsets. This may certainly be a piece of the puzzle... but in no way does this approach alone help unravel the devastating biochemical effects trauma sufferers cope with on a daily basis. Pressure placed on trauma sufferers to "simply think their symptoms away" only aggravates the situation. Finally, a book that provides a rational explanation on the deeper trauma effects on the brain, and how trauma sufferers, family, and peers can together piece a way forward and embark on to the healing process.
Clearly as a professional the author is a reluctant to appear too judgmental of the current approach to curing or at least surpressing mental problems. Still, of course her findings make it very clear that more of the same just won't do the job and a change in paradigms is very necessary. This is not about some shady miracle healings, it's about using the obvious interplay between body and mind to first of, make better diagnoses and secondly treat the soul by righting the wrongs it has written into the body - which seems to be how it talks to us when we won't listen any other way.
auch wenns auf englisch manchmal nicht so leicht zu handeln ist... letztendlich kommt die botschaft an. wer sich mit dem thema macht-missbrauch/kriegstrauma/trauma generell auseinandersetzen will/muss ist hier bestens aufgehoben. feinfühlig geschrieben, ist es für betroffene und menschen die mit traumatisierten meschen arbeiten ein echtes hilfs-lexikon.
Super verständlich geschrieben, auch für "nicht Neurologen". Spannende Zusammenhänge auch mit Hintergrundwissen aufbereitet. Flüssig zu lesen (Nicht grade wie einen Roman, aber für ein Fachbuch wirklich gut!). Hilft sich selbst und andere besser zu verstehen.
An excellent book serving all the sufferers of abuse, trauma patients, PTSD sufferers and the therapists alike. One can feel the warmth and compassion and superior understanding of a problem that is usually hidden inside traumatised men, women and children and has been neglected or not been understood. His understanding of trauma is intelligent and penetrating. Van der Kolk mastered superbly and faultlessly to express this inner reality and show solutions for a true healing without the usual whining in these self help books.
Dieses Buch ist vermutlich das beste zu Trauma, Traumafolgen und deren Behandlung. Es lohnt die Mühe, diese englische Originalversion durchzuarbeiten. Zur deutschen Übersetzung "Verkörperter Schrecken: Traumaspuren in Gehirn, Geist und Körper und wie man sie heilen kann" kann ich nichts sagen, aber es sollte eben so gut sein.
Bin selbst vom psychol./medizin. Fach und habe den "Score" spät in die Hände bekommen. Quintessenz: Außergewöhnliches Buch - mit großer Erfahrung geschrieben.
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The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk PDF
The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk PDF
The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk PDF